Thermal barriers. PhoenixTM develops Thermal Barriers to suit specific applications; for example coating processes require Thermal Barriers to be free of all traces of silicone, whereas in the heat treatment industry, where Thermal Barriers are subject to high rates of heating and cooling, minimizing Thermal Barrier distortion is the main criteria. In other processes such as heat treating aluminium road wheels Thermal Barriers need to withstand full immersion in water from a high temperature.
PhoenixTM can also
design Thermal Barriers to meet specific process conditions, such as steel reheat processes which require graded insulation layers to withstand the 1300°C temperatures within the
The many years
experience of senior PhoenixTM personnel working within these industries is translated into the superior design of their Thermal Barriers for all heat treatment and finishing applications.

Data loggers. Equipment in charge of recording temperatures inside the furnace/kiln; these loggers are available in 6, 10, 20 channels. Easy set up for recordings. Uses 2 AA lithium batteries.

Software. PhoenixTM develops Thermal Barriers to suit specific applications; for example coating processes require Thermal Barriers to be free of all traces of silicone, whereas in the heat treatment industry, where Thermal Barriers are subject to high rates of heating and cooling, minimizing Thermal Barrier distortion is the main criteria. In other processes such as heat treating aluminium road wheels Thermal Barriers need to withstand full immersion in water from a high temperature.
PhoenixTM can also design Thermal Barriers to meet specific process conditions, such as steel reheat processes which require graded insulation layers to withstand the 1300°C temperatures within the furnace.The many years experience of senior PhoenixTM personnel working within these industries is translated into the superior design of their Thermal Barriers for all heat treatment and finishing applications.

RF Telemetry. The PhoenixTM telemetry system uses ZigBee protocol with a channel setting that does not overlap with other wireless communications. Outside the furnace wireless mesh networks allow receipt and re-transmission of data through a variety of router configurations which find the strongest path allowing self healing of the radio network if part of the system is removed. It is robust and reliable, self-configuring and provides a simple, cost-effective and battery-efficient system. It is also a true wireless system needing no cable between the coordinator and routers.